Condensation & excessive levels of humidity can cause potential problems for your condo apartment. Most Toronto condo owners and property managers have to deal with some degree of challenge regarding excessive humidity in the apartment. Now in Toronto, the majority of downtown waterfront condos suffer more during hotter summer days because of Lake Ontario water evaporation. This creates more moisture levels throughout the day. Excessive humidity can cause mould to grow in parts of your condo if not prevented:

- Bathrooms
- Around Windows & Doors
- Around HVAC Systems
- Around HVAC Vents
- On The Walls & Cooler Surfaces
How Does Condensation Happen?
Condensation happens due to increased humidity levels inside your condo unit. When warm air particles meet cooler surfaces, such as windows during the winter, condensation forms, and air particles can only hold a certain amount of moisture. The excessive moisture will turn into the water on your wall, windows, sink and cooler surfaces.
Insufficient ventilation results in increased humidity levels indoors. When warm, moist air within your home meets cooler surfaces such as windows during the winter, condensation forms. A good analogy for this is a glass with a cold beverage during the summer.

Proper Ventilation Is Your Solution To a Better Indoor Air Quality
After all, proper air ventilation is the solution to excessive indoor humidity. With 70 Farenhire or 21 Celcius, the ideal humidity level should be less than 35%.
To fight the humidity, here are the 6 ways to deal with the moisture in the Winter & Summer of 2022:
- Open your windows for better air circulation during winter. Keep the balcony door & windows closed during summertime.
- Keep the kitchen exhaust fan running while cooking.
- Have your Fan Coil or Heat Pump drain pan checked once a year to ensure proper drainage.
- Leave the fan on to have air circulating in your home. Please ensure you replace the condo HVAC air filter once every 4 months.
- keep your bathroom fan ON after taking a shower. If your bathroom fan making noise or you see a sign of dust, you need to call for maintenance.
- Clean the lint trap of your dryer vent. The dryer can casue more humidity if the lint trap isnt cleaned.
Condo HVAC Services In Toronto & GTA
Home Trade Standards specialists are trained to troubleshoot all condo HVAC problems regardless of make & model. If you are a property manager, landlord or tenant you can always count on us with all condo heating & air conditioning problems
Condensation & excessive levels of humidity can cause potential problems for your condo apartment. Most Toronto condo owners and property managers have to deal with some degree of challenge regarding excessive humidity in the apartment. Now in Toronto, the majority of downtown waterfront condos suffer more during hotter summer days because of Lake Ontario water evaporation. This creates more moisture levels throughout the day. Excessive humidity can cause mould to grow in parts of your condo if not prevented:

- Bathrooms
- Around Windows & Doors
- Around HVAC Systems
- Around HVAC Vents
- On The Walls & Cooler Surfaces
How Does Condensation Happen?
Condensation happens due to increased humidity levels inside your condo unit. When warm air particles meet cooler surfaces, such as windows during the winter, condensation forms, and air particles can only hold a certain amount of moisture. The excessive moisture will turn into the water on your wall, windows, sink and cooler surfaces.
Insufficient ventilation results in increased humidity levels indoors. When warm, moist air within your home meets cooler surfaces such as windows during the winter, condensation forms. A good analogy for this is a glass with a cold beverage during the summer.

Proper Ventilation Is Your Solution To a Better Indoor Air Quality
After all, proper air ventilation is the solution to excessive indoor humidity. With 70 Farenhire or 21 Celcius, the ideal humidity level should be less than 35%.
To fight the humidity, here are the 6 ways to deal with the moisture in the Winter & Summer of 2022:
- Open your windows for better air circulation during winter. Keep the balcony door & windows closed during summertime.
- Keep the kitchen exhaust fan running while cooking.
- Have your Fan Coil or Heat Pump drain pan checked once a year to ensure proper drainage.
- Leave the fan on to have air circulating in your home. Please ensure you replace the condo HVAC air filter once every 4 months.
- keep your bathroom fan ON after taking a shower. If your bathroom fan making noise or you see a sign of dust, you need to call for maintenance.
- Clean the lint trap of your dryer vent. The dryer can casue more humidity if the lint trap isnt cleaned.
Condo HVAC Services In Toronto & GTA
Home Trade Standards specialists are trained to troubleshoot all condo HVAC problems regardless of make & model. If you are a property manager, landlord or tenant you can always count on us with all condo heating & air conditioning problems